
Those who prey on pain

I was watching an interview of Edward Snowden today when he said something that caught my attention: “When we become fearful, we become vulnerable to anyone who promises they will make things better, even if they have no ability to make things better, even if they will actively make things worse, even if they will… Continue reading Those who prey on pain


Younger elder

Everyone seems to recognise The vulnerability of a child But after a certain number of years You're expected to have grown up Regardless of how much You've actually experienced There are people Twenty years younger than me Who've lived life So much more comprehensively People who've got to experience Freedom and individuality At a level… Continue reading Younger elder


Judge a country by how it treats its most vulnerable

I complain a lot About my life Then this morning I read About a woman Being set on fire As she was going To a trial For a rape She had been subjected to By the same bastards who later set her on fire Someone else's bad fortune Doesn't make another's better So the pain… Continue reading Judge a country by how it treats its most vulnerable