
Will try to be less self-pitying!

In terms of fighting this feeling of emptiness, this deep sadness that seems to be weighing me down lately, I think I will try to do more on reducing the self-pity, as I don't even notice myself doing it, it's become so natural, and I realise that it makes all the burdens of whatever's stressing me out or upsetting me, all the heavier. I think that writing here has also helped me to feel better, so I'll try to keep that up too. I think writing here has sometimes helped me to feel better because here I'm writing to people about who I aspire to be, whereas when I send daily email updates to my big sister and aunt these days, I feel that I'm trying to justify who I am, granted that difference is nobody's fault, but this site, in large part, is about writing about what I want to accomplish, so I think writing here has helped me to view myself more positively, and has encouraged me to try to be stronger too. Thank you again for being here for me, any who may read my ramblings and wish me well. I want to keep getting better for any who may be rooting for me here too.