
Guilt for wasting time with the drummer, and plans to get back to music making

I am sorry Dad and Abu. I'm sorry Music. I'm even sorry to the community I feel there may have been here, starting to support me, who I used to update more regularly by writing here, who I used to feel a bond with. I never should've given the time I should've given to you: Dad, Mum, Abu, Music, and This Website's Supportive Community, to someone who never truly cared about me (the drummer). I hope to resume working on a music project next week.


Trying to make sense of recent emotions

Life has felt stuck for so long now, and I feel so empty on top of that. This year had got off to a better start as I was creating music, but since Abu's eye accident and dad's passing, it's been one thing after the other. I hope I can start to feel as though I'm in better control of my life soon, and that I can start to find inner joy and self-love again. And to believe that I am worthy of the romantic love of whose ideals I've made so much music about. And I hope I can get independent with my music making too.