
12th August 2023

Struggling to sleep. I’ve come here, just to write a stream-of-consciousness post, to get some of my thoughts out, to help me sleep, and help me plan.

I think today I will try to rest, calm, and refresh a bit, after the past two days of me trying and failing to make progress with my personal project due to my feeling so low.

I’m terrified about Abu’s bronchoscopy. I’m now wondering whether vets should have tested his saliva for an infection or something, since Abu’s salivation has either increased, or changed somehow, in order to cause this brown-red colouration of his mouth and chest fur in recent months. The other day, I noticed Abu’s front paws are now red, not his back paws, just his front paws, and I realised that this colour must have got there from him licking his front paws. The mucolytic has made no difference to Abu’s cough, though I suppose the odds of it doing so were small to start with, given he doesn’t outwardly display any signs of excessive mucus.

I hope today I start to feel better, after two not-so-great days.

I suppose it hasn’t helped that this week my gums have felt very sore, at times leading me to take painkillers which must have, in turn, affected my mood. Since my accident, I breathe through my mouth, which means my gums are more susceptible to gum disease. Perhaps it’s time I tried to get them cleaned again. Everything is an expense though. They are clean, but I guess there must be stuff below the gumline causing irritation, stuff I can’t get to myself.

I feel I should’ve been doing more to investigate Abu’s cough before this upcoming bronchoscopy.

But there has been so much on my mind, so much falling apart.

I hope that today I’ll get to feel a bit better, so that on Sunday, I could hopefully resume efforts on my personal project.

If my gums still hurt on Monday, I guess I must then see if I can get them looked at.

The GP seems not to’ve got in touch with this woman called Charlene who she’d assigned to help me with high-anxiety tasks, I’ve still not heard from Charlene since the GP should have contacted her this week to tell Charlene to reply to me when I ask for help. I’ll have to call the GP again next week to ask again about that.

I hope that I’ll get some sleep now, and that today I’ll be able to feel more refreshed somehow, so that on Sunday I can resume my efforts on my personal project.

I want to get that project wrapped up, I need to get back to my content creation.