
Publishing some of my poems: 2

Recently, I wrote about the idea of publishing some of my poems.

This morning, I was able to work out that, so far, I’ve published 1,132 poems on this site.

Say if I go through them, and I find that, being optimistic, 3 out of every 10 poems is what I’d deem good enough to put into a book via Kindle Direct Publishing, that would mean I’d still have about 300 poems for the book. Which would be quite a lot for one book.

Also, I’m realising that, I’ve written poems about so many different things, and that that would make it difficult for me to order all of those poems into one book, in any meaningful way.

So I’m now thinking that, it would make more sense for me to publish my poems as several books, according to the nature of the poems. For example, I could potentially publish some books titled:

  • ‘Poems about Dogs’
  • ‘Poems about Love’
  • ‘Poems about Life’
  • ‘Poems about Depression’

However, now that I have a better idea about the amount of work that would be required to publish my poems, I’m realising that it’d be preferable for me to get back to my music making before attempting to publish my poems, for several reasons:

  1. Music is where I get my sense of purpose from, and I need that right now more than ever, when so much in my life has been falling apart.
  2. I’m more likely to earn an income as a music video content creator than as a publisher of poetry, music being my lifelong strength and gift, poetry writing being a new pastime in my life, and more something I do for the sake of catharsis than because it’s my gift.
  3. I’ve not been working on my music making for so long, so I’ve already spent far too much time away from music than I ever should have.
  4. Given the quantity of poems I’d have to review, and the amount of time and effort I’d have to put in in order to learn how to use Kindle Direct Publishing, it would be difficult for me to predict how much time publishing my poems would take, and that wouldn’t be ideal at a time when the urgency with which I need to sort my life out is more pressing than it’s been at any other time in my life.

It would be nice to publish the poems at some point, but I’ve decided that I will prioritise the sharing of my music and music videos till I, hopefully, find myself at a more stable place in life, when I could set aside the time for publishing my poems as a collection of books.

I’ve yet to complete sorting out some hard drive issues that have placed a stop on my music making for about a year now, but I will try to finish sorting that out soon, so that I can get back to sharing my music.