An illustration of an astronaut on Mars.

‘Perfect’ – PREVIEW – Track info


Vocals, Music, Lyrics & Production (Unmixed) by Lyna Galliara

Track status

Unfinished and unreleased (just an unmixed idea).


You’re that little bit of perfect
That makes days and nights
More worth it
Cos your soul
It makes me whole

Being around you
Makes me feel I’m free
It’s how I want to be
Makes me believe

I wanna be around you
You keep the world at bay
It is your way

That you can find something
Worthwhile in me
It makes me want to be

Track notes

I recorded the melody and lyrics for ‘Perfect’ as soon as they came to me last night. I felt excited enough about the sound of ‘Perfect’ to – immediately after recording – upload a (mostly) a cappella preview of the unmixed idea of it on SoundCloud. Even though I’ll upload ideas onto SoundCloud from time to time without creating corresponding track posts or entries in my 2021 Macbook mic recording series post each time, I thought I’d create at track post for ‘Perfect’ as I’m fond of the simple and sweet lyrics that accompany the melody.

As previously mentioned, the lyrics for my stuff tends to come to me of its own accord, arriving in my head at the same time as its melody, and so aren’t usually the result of thoughtful effort. I’ve noticed that most of the lyrics I’ve written, even those for love songs about others, at least since my depression, seem to be very inward focused, very much about myself. I like the lyrics of ‘Perfect’ as I feel they are, for once, more about the object of my affection than about me. I hope that I’ll write more lyrics like this, but how I write lyrics will I suppose for the most part depend upon what my subconscious happens to be preoccupied with at the time a melody comes to it. And as will’ve become clear from my site, since my accident and resulting depression I’ve become very inward focused, and so I hardly find it surprising to notice this trend of inward focused lyrics emerge in my later music.

Another reason I wanted to create a post about this particular idea is because I’m excited about the vocal harmonies in it. I find them to be a lovely strange combination of warm, melancholic, eery and beautiful.

Though I’ve not shared any of the music I’ve made for this idea here, the production for this melody is what I would describe as ‘rock’ in style. I like how the combination of that ‘rock’ sound and the eery vocal harmonies brings gravity to the sweet lyrics, making them seem more serious somehow. This was not the result of my deliberately aiming to achieve this, but the result of me following my instincts in my music making process.

 This snippet forms part of my 2021 Macbook mic recording series.

An illustration of an astronaut on Mars.
Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.