
The honour of sharing one’s life with the world

As I’ve said in the past, I love a lot of Lana Del Rey’s music. But today I heard she wrote the following:

“I’m literally changing the world by putting my life and thoughts and love out there on the table 24 seven. Respect it.”

– Lana Del Rey

Jesus Christ, that puts even my levels of delusion to shame.

I don’t know why artists seem to forget that it’s a privilege to be able to share one’s “life and thoughts and love” with the world. It’s not something you do out of altruism. It’s something to be grateful to have the opportunity to do.

Granted, with the internet, everyone can share their work and thoughts now, artist or no. Still, in my view, it remains more a privilege to be able to do so, than some noble sacrifice.

She’s a really smart and talented human. I guess being that smart and talented it’d be easy to get caught up in self-admiration and end up thinking the way she appears to’ve here.

I totally understand and even respect the ‘messiah complex’ people get. I’ve had it myself, and maybe sometimes I still do have it. There’s something even wonderful about it. Thinking you can make a real difference. Thinking you can really help. Good for anyone who thinks that way. Its conclusion after all is undeniably true, even if not always to the same extent one with a messiah complex might imagine it to be for themselves.

We CAN all make a difference. But it’s not a sacrifice to share your life with the world. It’s a choice. And if you choose to do so, it’s an honour that anyone even cares.