
My favourite drugs

I don’t know what it is about amazing people. But when I discover them they give me hope. I can only speculate as to why they give me hope. But I am grateful for that hope, whether my conclusions about its source are accurate or not.

Thank you to the authors, the philosophers, the comedians, the teachers, the friend, and the music makers who somehow sometimes make me feel alive again.

Maybe I feel less alone and more understood when I find people whose thoughts make sense to me. Maybe the enthusiasm, energy, lightheartedness and rebelliousness of these people rubs off on me, and that helps me take breaks from taking my life so seriously. Maybe it’s that these people so passionately champion the values I care about, when these are often those that the majority will discourage in lieu of alternative aspirations. Maybe these people say things that are so full of compassion or thoughtfulness that I feel better, believing I wouldn’t be judged in their company. Or maybe I feel like less of a lost cause when something they’ve done has somehow got me to laugh, in spite of the almost constant state of sickly self-pity that’s pretty much defined me for over half a decade now.

I am so grateful.

Thank you. I couldn’t list you all, I’d forget one or twelve or twenty. But today I’m especially thinking of Schopenhauer, Doug Stanhope, Charles Bukowski, and South Park Studios.

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Your work makes my miserable life so much better, and as much as I’ve wasted my life, it’s a relief to know I’ve spent at least some of it with you guys, that time was at least not wasted, that time was at least TRULY lived, the way I’d wanted to live most of my life. Oh hang on. That’s probably it.